Stasa Etn

Principal Investigator- WP1 coordinator


Principal Investigator- WP1 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Food and natural products analysis, Functional food, Development and application electrochemical methods in food, Natural products and by-products analysis, By-products utilization


2004: Ph. D. Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro

2000: M. Sc. Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

1992: B. Sc. Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Dates of appointments 1993-2000 Junior Research Assistant; 2000-2005 Research Assistant; 2005-2010 Research Associate; 2010-2017 Senior Research Associate; 2017- to date Principal Research Fellow

Employment history: 1993to date: Institute of General and Physical Chemistry (IPGC), Belgrade, Laboratory for Biochemistry, Laboratory for Electrochemistry

Reviewing scientific journals and grants Foods, Nutrients, Molecules, Food Chemistry, Journal of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, Food and Function (Royal Chemical Society, UK)

Mentorship Supervisor of a several thesis related to development of technological process for pomace preservation or various functional products or analysis of natural compounds.

International scientific collaboration and mobility:

2007 September-2008 September Texas A&M University, Department of Soil and Crop Science, Cereal Grain Development and Food Quality Genetics Laboratory-Fulbright Fellowship; 2006 August-October St Peters College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK-Oxford Hospitality Scheme- Visiting scientist; 2005 August – October Texas A&M University, Department of Soil and Crop Science, Cereal Grain Development and Food Quality Genetics Laboratory- Norman Borlaug Fellowship Program (USDA)-Visiting scientist; 1996-2000 (six months per year) Zeolite-Mira, Mira (VE) Italy, Production and quality management – Research Associate Collaboration with Cereal Grain Development and Food Quality Genetics Laboratory, Texas AM University, USA, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece, Faculty of Medicine, Ancona, Italy and Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia resulted in highly cited papers.

Total number of papers 50, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 1090 Hirsch index: 21


List of publications relevant to project

  • Jovanović M., Zlatanović S., Micić D., Bacić D., Mitić-Ćulafić D., Djuriš M., Gorjanović S., Functionality and Palatability of Yogurt Produced Using Beetroot Pomace Flour Granulated with Lactic Acid Bacteria Foods, 2021,10, 1696 IF 5.556
  • Gorjanović, S.; Micić, D.; Pastor, F.; Tosti, T.; Kalušević, A.; Ristić, S.; Zlatanović, S. Evaluation of Apple Pomace Flour Obtained Industrially by Dehydration as a Source of Biomolecules with Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Antiobesity Effects. Antioxidants 2020, 9, 413. IF 6.31
  • Pastor, F.T., Šegan, D.M., Gorjanović, S., Kalušević, A.M., Sužnjević, D., Development of voltammetric methods for antioxidant activity determination based on Fe(III) reduction, Microchemical Journal,155, (2020), 104721. IF 4.82
  • Jovanović, M.; Petrović, M.; Miočinović, J.; Zlatanović, S.; Laličić-Petronijević, J.; Gorjanović, S. Bioactivity and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt Fortified with Apple Pomace Flour. Foods 2020, 9, 763. IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S.; Kalušević, A.; Micić, D.; Laličić-Petronijević, J.; Tomić, N.; Ostojić, S.; Gorjanović, S. Functionality and Storability of Cookies Fortified at the Industrial Scale with up to 75% of Apple Pomace Flour Produced by Dehydration. Foods 2019, 8, 561, IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Rankov, S., Dodevska, M., Vukosavljević, P., Gorjanović, S. Thermal behavior and degradation kinetics of apple pomace flours. Thermochimica Acta 2019, 673,17-25. IF 2.25

List of up to five relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia

  • TTF 2019-2020 Technological process for industrial production of multipurpose gluten-free apple pomace flour with high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, No 1076 (Project leader)
  • PoC (Proof-of Concept) 2020-2021 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency, No 5796
  • PoC 2020-2021 Development of low-energy vegan jelly drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No5786 (Project leader) )
  • TTP 2022-2023           Low-energy vegan drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No1136 (team member)
  • TTP 2022-2023 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency No1138 (team member)

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

  • 2011-2019 Modulation of antioxidative metabolism in plants for improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance and identification of new biomarkers for application in remediation and monitoring of degraded biotopes III43010 (WP coordinator);
  • 2002-2014 Program of development of zero-waste technologies for processing of products and by-products of agricultural and food industries in highly valuable dietetic, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, No.219

A list of up to five products, services, and/or other achievements

  • Jovanović, M., Gorjanović, S., Zlatanović, S., Petrović, M., Process for the preparation of a liquid or dehydrated probiotic fermented milk beverage with the addition of apple and/or beetroot flours predicted for human and dog nutrition. National Patent Application. 2020, Republic of Serbia Patent application number P-2020/0618 (submitted)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., 2019. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020. (published)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Process for Production Of Gluten Free Flour From Apple Pomace And The Flour Obtained By Said Process, National Patent Application. 2018, Republic of Serbia, Patent application number P-2018/0918, Registred number 63010, 03/2022,
  • IGPC know-how: Dietary preparation DIABET 2 for glucose metabolism regulation License transferred to private company Ideal Balance, Natural Food Supplements, Belgrade, RS
Sneza Etn

WP2 coordinator


WP2 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Food and material characterization, Thermal analysis of foods and food components, Utilization of by products from food industry, Development of innovative food products


2019: Ph.D. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Food technology – Technological engineering; “Thermal, chemical and functional properties of apple pomace and its potential use in food industry“

1992: B.Sc. Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dates of appointments: 1993-1998 Graduate researchers; 1998-2015 Expert advisor in analytical research laboratory; 2015-2017 Expert advisor in department for thermal analysis; 2017-2020 Research Assistant; 2020 Research Associate.

Employment history: 1993-to date: Institute of General and Physical Chemistry (IGPC), Department of Thermal Analysis. From the beginning she was allocated on applied projects which have gotten direct application in an industry.

Total number of papers 19, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 236, Hirsch index: 7


List of five relevant publications:

  • Petrović M, Veljović S, Tomić N, Zlatanović S, Tosti T, Vukosavljević P, Gorjanović S. Formulation of  Novel  Liqueurs from Juice Industry Waste: Consumer Acceptance, Phenolic Profile and Preliminary Monitoring of Antioxidant Activity and Colour Changes During Storage. Food Technol Biotechnol. 2021 Sep;59(3):282-294. IF 2.33
  • Gorjanović, S.; Micić, D.; Pastor, F.; Tosti, T.; Kalušević, A.; Ristić, S.; Zlatanović, S. Evaluation of Apple Pomace Flour Obtained Industrially by Dehydration as a Source of Biomolecules with Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Antiobesity Effects. Antioxidants 2020, 9, 413. IF 6.31
  • Jovanović, M.; Petrović, M.; Miočinović, J.; Zlatanović, S.;LaličićPetronijević, J.; Mitić-Ćulafić, D.; Gorjanović, S. Bioactivity and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt Fortified with Apple Pomace Flour. Foods 2020, 9, 763. IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S.; Kalušević, A.; Micić, D.; Laličić-Petronijević, J.; Tomić, N.; Ostojić, S.; Gorjanović, S. Functionality and Storability of Cookies Fortified at the Industrial Scale with up to 75% of Apple Pomace Flour Produced by Dehydration. Foods 2019, 8, 561. IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S., Ostojić , S., Micić , D., Rankov , S., Dodevska , M.,Vukosavljević , P., Gorjanović, S. (2019). Thermal behaviour and degradation kinetics of apple pomace flours. Thermochimica Acta, 673,17 25. IF 2.251

List of relevant previous projects or activities

   Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia:

  • TTF 2019-2020 Technological process for industrial production of multipurpose gluten-free apple pomace flour with high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, No 1076 (team member)
  • PoC 2020-2021 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace-sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency, No 5796 (team member)
  • PoC 2020-2021 Development of low-energy vegan jelly drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No 5786, (team member)
  • TTP 2022-2023           Low-energy vegan drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No1136 (Project leader)
  • TTP 2022-2023 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency No1138 (team member)

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia:

  • 2011-2020 Osmotic dehydration of food energy and ecological aspects of sustainable production, TR 31055.
  • 2008-2010 The improve of the durability and functional properties of dietary products, the type of dressing, high nutritional and protective value, BT120120; TR 31093;

A list of up to five products, services, and/or other achievements

  • Jovanović, M., Gorjanović, S., Zlatanović, S., Petrović, M., Process for the preparation of a liquid or dehydrated probiotic fermented milk beverage with the addition of apple and/or beetroot flours predicted forhuman and dog nutrition. National Patent Application. 2020, Republic of Serbia Patent application number P-2020/0618 (submitted)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., 2019. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020. (published)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Process for Production Of Gluten Free Flour From Apple Pomace And The Flour Obtained By Said Process, National Patent Application. 2018, Republic of Serbia, Patent application number P-2018/0918, Registred number 63010, 03/2022,
  • A new product „Whey Salad Dressing “ as a results of projects “Mayonnaise-based dietary whey”, 8146 and “The technology of salad dressings and mayonnaise-based on whey”, 371013
  • IGPC know-how: Dietary preparation DIABET 2 for glucose metabolism regulation License transferred to private company Ideal Balance, Natural Food Supplements, Belgrade, RS
Ferenc Pastor

WP3 coordinator


WP3 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Analytical chemistry – Development of new analytical methods and their applications: Catalytic titrations with electrochemical end point detection; Sensitive kinetic catalytic methods with spectrophotometric reaction following; Electroanalytical methods; Polarographic and voltammetric methods for the determination of antioxidant activity of pure substances and real samples; Development of electrochemical HPLC detector.


2008: Ph. D. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade 1999: M. Sc. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade

1995: B. Sc. Chemist for research and development, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade

Dates of appointments (researcher and scientific titles, i.e., equivalent titles in higher education) 1995-1996 Research-trainee; 1996-2000 Teaching assistant-trainee; 2000-2011 Teaching assistant; 2011-2018 Research associate; 2018- Senior scientific associate

Employment history: 1995- to date: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Teaching Activities: 1995- teaching assistant for experimental and theoretical exercises at the following courses at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia: Qualitative chemical analysis, Quantitative chemical analysis, Analytic chemistry for students of Physical chemistry, Instrumental chemical analysis. Guest assistant at the Department of inorganic chemistry at the same Faculty for the course General chemistry. 2017th guest assistant at the Ghent University Global campus, South Korea, for the courses General chemistry, Analytical chemistry and Food chemistry

International scientific collaboration and mobility: On two occasions a total of 8 months in the Professor’s Jiři Barek team at UNESCO Laboratory of Environmental Electrochemistry at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

Participation in industrial innovations: 2015th a member of the one of 23 teams from respectable institutions from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Israel, Swiss and other European countries arranged by BASF, Germany, to examine and evaluate their new product. The team consists of Professor Dr Desanka Sužnjević and Dr Ferenc Pastor.

Other activities: Member of a lecturer team for the course “Advisors for chemicals” introduced in Serbia under the European legislation and organized by the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade. For “Classification of chemicals on the basis of their physical and chemical properties”. Also, a member of the commission for the final exam evaluation. Invited lecturer and instructor at the 4th International Summer School of Biophysics, with the theme “Methods on the interface of Neurochemistry and Electrophysiology”. It was organized by Biophysical Society of Serbia with the support of the International Union for Applied and Basic Biophysics (IUPAB) from August 30et to September 2nd 2012th in Belgrade. During several years a member of the commission for the selection of the new students at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade.

Total number of papers 45, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 639, Hirsch index: 14


List of five publications:

  • Pastor, F.T., Šegan, D.M., Gorjanović, S.Ž., Kalušević, A.M., Sužnjević, D., Development of voltammetric methods for antioxidant activity determination based on Fe(III) reduction, Microchemical Journal,155, (2020), 104721. IF 3.280
  • Stojićević, F. T. Pastor, S. Ž. Gorjanović, T. M. Šolević Knudsen, M. P. Antić, Modification of DC polarographic antioxidant assay – Application to aromatic plants and their active principles, Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2020;35:219–226 IF 1.410
  • D. Šoštarić, M. S. Petrović, F. T. Pastor, D. R. Lončarević, J. T. Petrović, J. V. Milojković, M. D. Stojanović, Study of heavy metals biosorption on native and alkali-treated apricot shells and its application in wastewater treatment, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 259 (2018) 340–349 IF 4.850
  • Ž. Sužnjević, F. T. Pastor, S. Ž. Gorjanović, DC polarographic examination of Hg2+ reduction applicability to antioxidant activity determination, Electrochimica Acta, 168 (2015) 240-245 IF 6.216
  • Sužnjević, M. Petrović, F. T. Pastor, M. Veljović, S. Zlatanović, M. Antić, S. Gorjanović, Reduction of Hg2+ by Individual Phenolics and Complex Samples and its Application in Polarographic Antioxidant Assay, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(7) (2015) H428-H433 IF 2.930

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • TTF 2019-2020 Technological process for industrial production of multipurpose gluten-free apple pomace flour with high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, No 1076 (team member)
  • PoC 2020-2021 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency, No 5796 (team member)
  • TTP 2022-2023 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency, No 1139 (team member)

Projects financed by Ministry of education, science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia:

  • 2011-2019 Modifications of antioxidative metabolism in plants for improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance and identification of new biomarkers for application in remediation and monitoring of degraded biotopes, No III43010
  • 2006-2010 Study of relationship of reactivity, noncovalent interactions and structure of molecules and modeling of chemical systems, No 142037
  • 2001–2005 Development of analytical methods for Quality control and trace analysis, No 1941

A list of up to five products, services, and/or other achievements

  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., 2019. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020. (published)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Process for Production Of Gluten Free Flour From Apple Pomace And The Flour Obtained By Said Process, National Patent Application. 2018, Republic of Serbia, Patent application number P-2018/0918, Registred number 63010, 03/2022
Jovanka Lalicic-Petronijevic

WP4 coordinator


WP4 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Food technology and science, Technology of confectionery and baked products, Technology of sugar and starch, Development of new functional products, Sensory analysis of food


2013: Ph. D. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2007: M. Sc. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

1997: B. Sc. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dates of appointments 1998-2007 Teaching assistant trainee; 2007-2013 Teaching assistant; 2013-2018 Assistant professor; 2018to date Associate professor

Employment history: 1998to date: Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Laboratory of Technology of Field Crop Products

Reviewing scientific journals and grants

LWT Food Science and Technology, Journal of Functional Foods, Food Research International, Journal of the Science in Food and Agriculture, Food Science and Nutrition, Journal of Texture Studies, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation- Reviews of: Innovative Project by Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Serbia (1), Bilateral Project Serbia-Croatia for the period 2019-2020 (1), Technical solution by Institute of General and Physical Chemistry (1).

International scientific collaboration and mobility:

2011 April-2011 June Iowa State University of Science and Technology, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Collaboration with Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia and Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, resulted in published papers.

Author of Handbook of Technology of Confectionery Products with Theoretical Basis, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, 2018, ISBN: 978-86-7834-303-2. COBISS.SR.ID 259971084.

Mentorship Mentor of 5 and a member of the Commission for the defense of 11 master’s thesis and 1 doctoral dissertation all of which focused on the development of new functional confectionery products.

Skills and other facts relevant to the Project: good teaching, communication and computer skills (MS Office), investigation, writing and editing.

Total number of papers 18, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 370 Hirsch index: 11; ORCID ID

List of five relevant publications:

  • Jovanović, M.; Petrović, M.; Miočinović, J.; Zlatanović, S.; Laličić-Petronijević, J.; Mitić-Ćulafić, D.; Gorjanović, S. Bioactivity and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt Fortified with Apple Pomace Flour. Foods 2020, 9, 763. IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S.; Kalušević, A.; Micić, D.; Laličić-Petronijević, J.;Tomić, N.; Ostojić, S.; Gorjanović, S. Functionality and Storability of Cookies Fortified at the Industrial Scale with up to 75% of Apple Pomace Flour Produced by Dehydration. Foods 2019, 8, 561. IF 4.35
  • Šobot K., Laličić-Petronijević J., Filipović V., Nićetin M., Filipović J., PopovićLj.(2019). Contribution of Osmotically Dehydrated Wild Garlic on Biscuits’ Quality Parameters, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 63,3, 499-507. IF 1.450
  • Laličić-Petronijević, J., Popov-Raljić, J., Lazić, V., Pezo, L. and Nedović, V., 2017. Synergistic effect of three encapsulated strains of probiotic bacteria on quality parameters of chocolates with different composition. Journal of Functional Foods, 38, pp.329-337. IF 3.310
  • Popov-Raljić, J., Mastilović, J., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Kevrešan, Ž., Demin, M. Sensory and color properties of dietary cookies with different fiber sources during 180 days of storage. Chemical Industry 2013, 60, 1, 123-134.

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia:

  • TTF 2019-2020 Technological process for industrial production of multipurpose gluten-free apple pomace flour with high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, No 1076, (team member) 
  • PoC 2020 Potential of using poppy seeds as the main constituent of spread with reduced energy value and prolonged durability – Project leader No 5294
  • PoC 2020-2021 Development of low-energy vegan jelly drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No5786)
  • TTP 2022-2023 Low-energy vegan drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No1136 (team member)

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of RS:

  • 2011- 2019 Development of new encapsulation and enzyme technologies for production of biocatalysts and biologically active components of food in order to increase its competitiveness, quality, and safety, No 46010
  • 2008-2011 Improving the competitiveness of smallholder products through brand and brand creation, No 20059

A list of up to five products, services, and/or other achievements

  • Zlatanović, S.,Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., 2019. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020. (Published)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Process for Production Of Gluten Free Flour From Apple Pomace And The Flour Obtained By Said Process, National Patent Application. 2018, Republic of Serbia, Patent application number P-2018/0918, Registred number 63010, 03/2022,

Laličić-Petronijević, J.; Popov-Raljić, J.; Radulović, Z.; Mirković, N.; Petrušić, M.; Paunović, D.; Bugarski, B. (2014). Technical Solution: “New products/New Technological Process of Production of Different Types of Chocolates with Probiotics”.Biotechnical sciences/Food technology…/04/TEHNICKA-RESENJA-2011-2015-23-maj.xls


WP7 coordinator


WP7 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Environment pollution, Biosorption, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Biochar, Phytoremediation of Uranium


2015: Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

2003: B.Sc. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

Dates of appointments:

2008 – research assistant; re-elected 2013

2016 – research associate

2021 – senior research associate

Employment history:

2006 Invej private company department of Rubin

2008- to date: Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS)

International scientific collaboration and mobility: -Collaboration with professor Michael Kornaros (University of Patras, Greece) and Ioannis Anastopoulos, PhD (Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus):“Water treatment via the adsorption process”. This work is part of research University of Patras conducted in the frame of the Horizon2020 project Waste4Think “Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems”, funded by EU‐EASME. Collaboration on research and publication of: two papers (listed) and book chapter:” The application of pine-based adsorbents to remove potentially toxic elements from aqueous solutions” from book “Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution” (Elsevier).

-Research collaboration (from 2021) with Dr. Ondřej MAŠEK from the UK Biochar Research Centre, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, with the primary aim of joint publication on the topic of “The use of biochar produced from aquatic weed as an alternative adsorbent for wastewater applications”.

Total number of papers, 44, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 710 Hirsch index: 14 ORCID ID

List of five publications relevant to the project:

  • Anastopoulos, I., Milojković, J.V., Tsigkou, K., Zafiri, C., Lopičić, Z.R., Kornaros, M. and Pashalidis, I., 2021. A nappies management by-product for the treatment of uranium-contaminated waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124147. IF 14.224
  • Koprivica, M., Petrović, J., Ercegović, M., Simić M., Milojković, J., Šoštarić, T., Dimitrijević, J., 2022. Improvement of combustible characteristics of Paulownia leaves via hydrothermal carbonization. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,  IF 4.050 
  • Milojković, J. V, Lopičić, Z. R., Anastopoulos, I. P., Petrović, J. T., Milićević, S. Z., Petrović, M. S., Stojanović, M. D., Performance of aquatic weed – Waste Myriophyllum spicatum immobilized in alginate beads for the removal of Pb (II), Journal of Environmental Management, 232 (2019) 97–109, IF 5.647
  • Milojković, J., Popović-Djordjević, J., Pezo, L., Brčeski, I., Kostić, A., Milošević, V., Stojanović, M. Applying multi-criteria analysis for preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized Myriophyllum spicatum in lake water samples, Water research 141 (2018) 163-171, IF 7.913
  • Lopičić, Z., Stojanović, M., Kaluđerović Radoičić, T., Milojković, J., Petrović, M., Mihajlović, M., Kijevčanin, M., Optimization of the process of Cu(II) sorption by mechanically treated Prunus persica L. – Contribution to sustainability in food processing industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 156 (2017) 95-105, IF 5.651

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry


  • Green Fund 2018 Improving the quality of the environment through sustainable management of waste biomass by hydrothermal conversion into solid biofuels, team member;

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia:

  • TTP 2022-2024 Application of biosorbent MsA aquatic weed Myriophyllum spicatum immobilized in alginate beads and modified MsA beads for petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants removal from wastewaters – AWARENESS, No 1138, Project leader
  • PoC 2020-2021 Development of aquatic weed biomass filter for heavy metal and petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants removal from wastewater, No 5099, Project leader

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of RS:

  • 2011-2019 Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production, No. TR31003, Coordinator of second theme: “Development biosorbents based on waste biomass”
  • 2008-2010 Development and application of new materials for the remediation of degraded and contaminated soil,TR20016, team member

A list of up to five products, services, and/or other achievements:

  • Author of  Technical solution: “Aquatic weed Myrophyllum spicatum encapsulated with alginate as a biosorbent for removal of heavy metals from wastewater-MsA-biosorb”, 2016
  • Co-author of Technical solution: “Obtaining mechanically activated mineral complex solid fertilizer based on natural phosphate and partially modified zeolite – FosZelPlus, 2015
  • Co-author of Technical solution: “New technology for the treatment of underground and industrial water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons”, 2021
  • Co-author of Technical solution: “Obtaining of the hydrochar from the industrial crop Miscanthus x giganteus as a solid biofuel and a component of products for further application in environmental protection”, 2021

WP6 coordinator


WP6 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Trade and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Food Value Chain, Micro /Macro Competitiveness, Sector analyses.


2002: Ph. D. Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

1996: October – December, University of Aberdeen, Department of Agricultural Economics, Post-doctoral research student at the University. The Exchange Program between University of Kiel and University of Aberdeen.

1996: Ph. D. University of Kiel, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, the Federal Republic of Germany

1987: M. Sc. Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

1985: B. Sc. Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Dates of appointments 1989-2002 Junior Research Assistant; 2002-2008 Assistant Professor; 2008-2013 Associate Professor; 2013- to date Full Professor

Employment history: 1985-1987 Takovo, Food Processing Company, Gornji Milanovac, Republic of Serbia, 1987-1989 – Metalac Group, Gornji Milanovac, Republic of Serbia

Reviewing scientific journals and grants, Economics of Agriculture (Serbia), Agroekonomika (Serbia)

International scientific collaboration and mobility:

2019 December Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle, Saale, Federal Republic of Germany;

2019 June, UC Davis California, Postharvest Centre, USA

Total number of papers 13, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 114 Hirsch index: 7

List of publication relevant to project

  • Gorton, M., Lowe, P., Quarrie, S. and Zarić, V., European rule adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis of agricultural water management in Serbia. Environmental Politics, 19(4), pp.578-598. IF 4.320
  • Djekic, I., Zaric, V. and Tomic, J., 2014. Quality costs in a fruit processing company: a case study of a Serbian company. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 6(1), pp.95-103. IF 0.719
  • Gorton, M., Zarić, V., Lowe, P. and Quarrie, S., 2011. Public and private agri-environmental regulation in post-socialist economies: Evidence from the Serbian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector. Journal of Rural Studies, 27(2), pp.144-152. IF 2.38
  • Tomašević, I., Šmigić, N., Đekić, I., Zarić, V., Tomić, N. and Rajković, A., 2013. Serbian meat industry: A survey on food safety management systems implementation. Food Control, 32(1), pp.25-30. IF 4.420
  • Tomašević, I., Šmigić, N., Đekić, I., Zarić, V., Tomić, N., Miocinovic, J. and Rajkovic, A., 2016. Evaluation of food safety management systems in Serbian dairy industry. Mljekarstvo, 66(1), pp.48-58. IF 0.82

List of up to five relevant previous projects or activities

  • June 13, 2018 Final competition of the best students teams at the Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun – Belgrade. The students had the task of developing or innovative a food product and designing the best
  • marketing strategy for it. Implemented within the project “Open Doors”, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, IAMO Halle (Saale), Germany; Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Province of Vojvodina. (organiser and team leader)
  • 12 June 2018 Expert meeting II “Modern access of transferring knowledge in agriculture”, organized by The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade in cooperation with IAMO. The event takes place within the framework of the Agricultural Conference “Contemporary approach to agricultural knowledge transfer”. (organiser and team leader)
  • 26-27 April 2018 Workshop “Food 4.0 and globalization”, has been organized by IAMO in cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade and the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA). (co-organiser)
  • 17 April 2018 Expert meeting I “Knowledge transfer from Education to the food producers”, organized by Faculty of Agriculture. The aim of the meeting was to present the contemporary knowledge from different field in agricultural production and in the food value chain. More than 300 participants, namely advanced farmers, processors, traders, service providers, extension services, faculty staff and students. (organiser and team leader)

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of RS:

  • 2011-2020 Creating Wealth from the Wealth of Serbia III46001 (WP coordinator);
Zorica Lopicic

WP5 coordinator


WP5 coordinator

Research field and area/areas: Chemical engineering, Environment protection, Environment Impact Assessment, Material characterization, Waste revalorization, Biomass thermal degradation behavior


2017: Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

2006: M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, EcoleCentrale de Paris, University of Paris

2001: B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

Dates of appointments:

2002 – 2007 Junior Research Assistant; 2007 – 2018 Research Assistant; 2018– 2023 Research Associate, 2023- Senior Research Associate

There was a break in the scientific research, due to maternity absence, in periods: 2005-2006, 2009-2011, 2013 -2015.

Employment history: 2002- to date: Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS), Belgrade, Centre for environment protection

International scientific collaboration and mobility:

  • Ecole Centrale de Paris (Jun 2004), Master Thesis
  • Collaboration with Nebojša Perišić, PhD, (Vistin Pharma AS, Stuttlidalen 4, Fikkjebakke, 3766 Sannidal, P.O. Box 98, NO-3791 Kragerø, Norway),
  • Collaboration with the Ahmad Hosseini-Bandegharaei, PhD, (Department of Engineering, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, PO Box 161, Kashmar, Iran),
  • Collaboration with Ioannis Anastopoulos, PhD (Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus) on research and publication of: two papers (listed) and book chapter “The application of pine-based adsorbents to remove potentially toxic elements from aqueous solutions” from book “Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution” (Elsevier)
  • Collaboration (from 2021) with Dr. Ondřej MAŠEK from the UK Biochar Research Centre, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, with the primary aim of joint publication on the topic of “The use of biochar produced from aquatic weed as an alternative adsorbent for wastewater applications”.

Total number of papers 39, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 607, Hirsch index: 13, ORCID ID

List of five publications relevant to the project:

  • M. Cvetković; T. Kaluđerović Radoičić; J. Grbović Novaković; V. Kovačević; Z. R. Lopičić; V. Adamović; M. Lj Kijevčanin, Renewable hydrogen production perspective in Serbia via biogas generated from food processing wastewaters, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132142, IF 11.072
  • Anastopoulos, I., Milojković, J.V., Tsigkou, K., Zafiri, C., Lopičić, Z.R., Kornaros, M. and Pashalidis, I., 2021. A nappies management by-product for the treatment of uranium-contaminated waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124147. IF 14.224
  • Lopičić, Z., Stojanović, M., Kaluđerović Radoičić, T., Milojković, J., Petrović, M., Mihajlović, M., Kijevčanin, M.: Optimization of the process of Cu(II) sorption by mechanically treated Prunus persica L. – Contribution to sustainability in food processing industry, J Clean Prod, 2017, 156, 95-105; IF 651
  • Zorica Lopičić, Jelena Avdalović, Jelena Milojković, Anja Antanasković, Marija Lješević, Nikoleta Lugonja, Tatjana Šoštarić, Removal of Diesel Pollution by Biochar – Support in Water Remediation, Hem Ind, 2021, 75 (6), 329-339; IF 0.8
  • Mihajlović M., Petrović J., Maletić S., Kragulj-Isakovski M.,Stojanović M., Lopičić Z., Trifunović S., Hydrothermal carbonization of Miscanthus x giganteus: Structural and fuel properties of hydrochars and organic profile with the ecotoxicological assessment of the liquid phase, Energy conversion and management, 2018, 159, 254-263. IF 8.208

List of up to five relevant previous projects:

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia:

  • PoC 2021-2022: Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency No 5796, team member
  • PoC 2020-2021: Development of aquatic weed biomass filter for heavy metal and petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants removal from wastewater, No 5099, team member
  • TTP 2022-2023: Application of biosorbent MsA aquatic weed Myriophyllum spicatum immobilized in alginate beads and modified MsA beads for petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants removal from wastewaters – AWARENESS, No 1138, team member
  • TTP 2022-2023: Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency, No 1139, team member

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of RS:

  • 2011-2019 Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production, No. TR31003, project leader
  • 2008-2010 Development of procedures, methods and materials for industrial waste gas streams control and environmental impact monitoring, No. TR 21020, team member
  • 2005-2007 Technical and technological solutions in development of clean technologies as a base for strategy of sustainable industrial development, No. TR 6707, team member

A list of up to five products, services, and/orother achievements:

  • Preparation of a complex of solid mineral fertilizers on the basis of the natural phosphate and partially modified zeolite –FosZel, 2014, Technical solution
  • Obtaining mechanically activated mineral complex solid fertilizer based on natural phosphate and partially modified zeolite – FosZelPlus, 2015, Technical solution
  • “New technology for the treatment of underground and industrial water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons”, 2021, Technical solution
  • Member of Negotiating Group 27 related to Environment Protection Chapter in admission process of the Republic of Serbia to the EU
  • Senior local short term experts – VOC technical expert on Project “Green Transition – Implementing Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia 2021-2025”.
Darko slika

Senior Research Associate


Senior Research Associate

Research field and area/areas: Food and material characterization, Thermal analysis, Utilization of by products from food industry, Mathematical modelling


2016: Ph. D. Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2011: M. Sc. Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2010: B. Sc. Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dates of appointments 2011-2017 Research Assistant; 2017-2022 Research Associate; 2022- to date Senior Research Associate

Employment history: 2011 to date: Institute of General and Physical Chemistry (IPGC), Belgrade, Department of Thermal Analysis

Total number of papers 34, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 568 Hirsch index: 14


List of publications relevant to project

  • Jovanović M., Zlatanović S., Micić D., Bacić D., Mitić-Ćulafić D., Djuriš M., Gorjanović S., Functionality and Palatability of Yogurt Produced Using Beetroot Pomace Flour Granulated with Lactic Acid Bacteria Foods, 2021,10, 1696 IF 5.556
  • Gorjanović, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Tosti, T., Kalušević, A., Ristić, S., Zlatanović, S. Evaluation of Apple Pomace Flour Obtained Industrially by Dehydration as a Source of Biomolecules with Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Antiobesity Effects. Antioxidants 2020, 9, 413. IF 6.31
  • Zlatanović, S., Kalušević, A., Micić, D., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Tomić, N., Ostojić, S., Gorjanović, S. Functionality and Storability of Cookies Fortified at the Industrial Scale with up to 75% of Apple Pomace Flour Produced by Dehydration. Foods 2019, 8, 561, IF 4.35
  • Zlatanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Rankov, S., Dodevska, M., Vukosavljević, P., Gorjanović, S. Thermal behavior and degradation kinetics of apple pomace flours. Thermochimica Acta 2019, 673,17-25. IF 2.25

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia

  • TTF 2019-2020 Technological process for industrial production of multipurpose gluten-free apple pomace flour with high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, No 1076

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

  • 2011-2019 Content of bioactive components in small and stone fruits as affected by cultivar specificities and growing conditions, and obtaining biologically valuable products by improved and newly developed technologies, TR 31093.

Projects financed by EU

  • 2021-2024 ERASMUS+, KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education – Zero food waste education of “Z” generation of European citizens – ZeeWaste4EU, 2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000023012.

A list of products, services, and/or other achievements

  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., 2019. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020. (published)
  • Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Pastor, F., Kalušević, A., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Process for Production of Gluten Free Flour from Apple Pomace and The Flour Obtained by Said Process, National Patent Application. 2018, Republic of Serbia, Patent application number P-2018/0918, Registred number 63010, 03/2022

Senior Research Associate


Senior Research Associate

Research field and area/areas: Biomass, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Protection, Waste Management, Biosorption


2016: Ph. D. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2007: M. Sc. Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2001: B. Sc. Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dates of appointments:

2002-2006. Research Trainee;

2007.-2017. Junior Researcher;

2017.-2022 Research Associate

  1. – Senior Research Associate

Employment history:

  1. – to date: Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS), Belgrade, Laboratory for environmental protection

Total number of papers according to SCOPUS database: 26, Citation number (excluding self-citations): 526 Hirsch index: 11;

International scientific collaboration and mobility:

Collaboration with the prof Domenico Morabito on bilateral project supported by Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation

List of publications: ORCID ID:

List of previous projects or activities:

  • 2023-2026 “From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry” – WasteBridge7439 – Program PRISMA funded by Science Fund.
  • 2023-2024. “Biochar in circular (bio)economy support – synthesis of material based on lignocellulosic waste with multifunctional purpose – water purification, soil remediation and enrichment” – Serbian-French bilateral project supported by Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation
  • 2022-2023. “Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency”- TTP 1139 funded by Republic of Serbia Innovation Fund, project manager;
  • -2021. Project leader of APPLy-ZiNc “Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency”- PoC 5796 funded by Republic of Serbia Innovation Fund.
  • -2019. “Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production“, – Grant No. TR31003, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • -2010. „Development of procedures, methods and materials for industrial waste gas streams control and environmental impact monitoring“– Grant No. TR 21020, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • -2007. „Technical and technological solutions in development of clean technologies as a base for strategy of sustainable industrial development“- Grant No. TR 6707, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • -2007. „Re-cultivation of drilling mud landfill and possibilities for remediation and bio remediation of soil, waste waters and heavy sediments, accidentally contaminated with oil and oil derivatives“- Grant No. TD 7032, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Skills and other facts relevant to the Project:

Participat in the EIA studies and leader of more than 20 Due Diligence studies in the various fields of industry;

2016.- to date: independent expert of technical Commission for evaluation of EIA studies at the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia

  1. 2018. – to date: member of scientific council of Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS), Belgrade

Research Associate


Research Associate

Research field and area/areas: Environment Protection, Environment Impact Assessment, Waste revalorization, Cleaner Production, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)


2018: PhD degree, Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade,

2003: Post-graduated program “Environment – Challenge for Science, Technology and Society”, Alternative Academic Education Network. Belgrade,

2000: BSc and MSc in Organic Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade,

Dates of appointments 2002-2008: Junior Research Assistant; 2008 -2019 Research Assistant; 2019- to date Research Associate

Employment history: 2002. to date: Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS), Belgrade, Centre for environment protection

Total number of papers 9, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 116, Hirsch index: 4;

List of publications: ORCID ID:

List of publication relevant to project

  • Antanasković A., Lopičić Z., Pehlivan E., Adamović V., Šoštarić T., Milojković J., Milivojević M.Thermochemical conversion of non-edible fruit waste for dye removal from wastewater. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2023. IF 4.050
  • Cvetković S., Kaluđerović Radoičić T., Grbović Novaković J., Kovačević V., Lopičić Z., Adamović V., Kijevčanin M. Renewable Hydrogen Production Perspective in Serbia via Biogas Generated from Food Processing Wastewaters. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 20, 132142. IF 11.072.
  • Adamović, V.M., Antanasijević, D.Z., Ristić, M.Đ., Perić-Grujić, A.A., Pocajt, V.V., Prediction of municipal solid waste generation using artificial neural network approach enhanced by structural break analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24(1), 299-311. IF 2.760
  • Adamović, V.M., Antanasijević, D.Z., Ristić, M.Đ., Perić-Grujić, A.A., Pocajt, V.V., An optimized artificial neural network model for the prediction of rate of hazardous chemical and healthcare waste generation at the national level, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2018, 20, 1736-1750, IF 2.004.
  • Adamović, V.M., Antanasijević, D.Z., Ćosović, A.R., Ristić, M.Đ., Pocajt, V.V. An artificial neural network approach for the estimation of the primary production of energy from municipal solid waste and its application to the Balkan countries. Waste Manegement 2018, 78, 955-968. IF 5.431

List of relevant previous projects or activities

  • 2023-2026 “From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry” – WasteBridge7439 – Program PRISMA funded by Science Fund.
  • 2020-2021 External member in APPLy-ZiNc “Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency”- PoC 5796 funded by Republic of Serbia Innovation Fund.
  • 2011-2019 “Implementation of new technical, technological and environmental solutions in the mining and metallurgical operations RBB and RBM“, – Grant No. TR33007, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • 2008-2010 „Development of procedures, methods and materials for industrial waste gas streams control and environmental impact monitoring“– Grant No. TR 21020, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • 2005-2007 „Technical and technological solutions in development of clean technologies as a base for strategy of sustainable industrial development“- Grant No. TR 6707, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia;
  • 2005-2007 „Re-cultivation of drilling mud landfill and possibilities for remediation and bio remediation of soil, waste waters and heavy sediments, accidentally contaminated with oil and oil derivatives“- Grant No. TD 7032, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

A list of products, services, and/or other achievements

  • National consultant for evaluation of Project proposal on Green Transition of Serbian economy and for Green Transition Accelerator Mentorship – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2023);
  • UNIDO certified National consultant for cleaner production, local short-term expert for IPPC/IED application and permits and senior local short-term expert for VOC of the Cleaner Production Centre of Serbia on the various projects funded by the Kingdom of Sweden;
  • Responsible Designer of more than 20 environmental impact assessment studies, Responsible Designer of the Preliminary and the Main technology and mechanical designs of the plant for the treatment of waste paper, treatment of wastewater and for the production of self-adhesive tapes – 6 designs and Responsible Designer of the Technical and Environmental due diligence for more than 20 companies from the various fields of industry;
  • Independent expert of Technical Commissions for evaluation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies and of Technical  commission  for  the  assessment  of  conditions determined in the draft integrated permit at the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Member of the commissions for technical inspection of the constructed facilities, engaged by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia.

Research Associate


Research Associate

Research field and area/areas: Biotechnical sciences, Biotechnology and agriculture, Microbiology, and Microbial ecology.


2017: Ph. D. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

2010: B. Sc. Faculty of Agriculture, Food Technology of Plant Products, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dates of appointments 2011-2017 Research Assistant; 2017-2021, Assistant Professor; 2019 – to date Research Associate.

Employment history: 2011- 2017 – Research associate at the University in Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia;

2017–2021-Assistant professor (Scientific associate) at Educons University, Faculty of Ecological Agriculture, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia;

2021- to date Research associate at the Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade.

Total number of papers 16, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 69 Hirsch index: 6

ORCID ID 0000-0002-0321-5213.

List of publications relevant to the project

  • Radić D., Karličić V., Đorđević J., Jovičić-Petrović J., Kljujev I., Lalević B., Raičević V., Soil yeasts promoting plant growth: benefits for the development of common wheat and white mustard. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2022, 109 (1): 27-34. DOI 10.13080/z-a.2022.109.004. IF=1.57
  • Jovanović M., Vojvodić P., Petrović M., Radić D., Mitić-Ćulafić D., Kostić M., Veljović S. Yogurt fortified with GABA-producing strain and Ganoderma lucidum industrial waste. 2022,  Czech J. Food Sci., IF=1.30.
  • Vunduk, J., Klaus, A., Lazić, V., Kozarski, M.; Radić, D., Šovljanski, O., Pezo, L., Artificial Neural Network Prediction of Antiadhesion and Antibiofilm-Forming Effects of Antimicrobial Active Mushroom Extracts on Food-Borne Pathogens. 2023, Antibiotics, 12, 627. IF=4.80.
  • Karličić, V., Radić, D., Jovičić-Petrović, J., Lalević, B., Morina, F., Golubović Curguz, V., Raičević, V., Use of overburden waste for London plane (Platanus × acerifolia) growth: the role of plant growth promoting microbial consortia. 2017, iForest: Biogeosciences and Forestry 10: 692-699. IF = 1.623.

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry.
  • PROMIS 2023-2025 Broad-Range Hybrid Nanothermometers: Towards Biologically Safe and Technologically Sound Luminescent Temperature Sensing Systems.

Projects financed by EU  

  • Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, AREA Project No 316004, (2013-2016).
  • Education of young scientist in ecologically friendly agriculture through WB6-W4 networking, is financed by Visegrad fund and Educons University is the leading beneficiary, No 21810366, (2018-2019).
  • CBC Hungary-Serbia (HUSRB/1602/41/0031): “Development of soil type adapted microbiological products promoting ecological pest management-PLANTSVITA”, (2018-2020).
  • Introduction of Agroheritage Concepts into Higher Education Agenda for Raising Awareness and Capacity of Future Agriculturists for Conservation of This Heritage, Project No: 2019-1-TR01-KA203-075715 (2019-2022).
  • European Union’s Horizon Europe Project GREENLand-Twinning Microplastic-free Environment under grant agreement number 101079267 (2023-2025).
  • ReLearn Plastics project, Call for proposals EAC/A02/2019 Grant Agreement No – 20-201-075895 (2020-1-SI01-KA201-075895)—project Code: 2020-1-SI01 -KA201-075895 Project ID: KA2-SE-5/20 (2020-2023).

Projects financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

  • 2011-2019 Biodiversity as a potential in environmental remediation technologies of damaged ecosystems, TR 31080.
  • 2023-2025 Serbian-Slovenian bilateral project „Utilization and management of edible by-products created at home by hobby craftsmen, in the HoReCa sector and micro-enterprises”.

Projects financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, The Republic of Serbia

  • Principal Investigator in the project: „Nondestructive spectroscopic methods as a tool for investigation of soil microorganisms’ tolerance to heavy metals and their potential for bioremediation “142-451-2586/2019-01 (07.06.2019. – 04.07.2020).
Anja Slika

Research Assistant


Research Assistant

  • Research field and area/areas (at most five): Environment protection, Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemical engineering, Material characterization, Biomass combustion behavior
  • Education:

2014-2018: Bachelor degree – BSc in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, “Selection of equipment for producing biogas at the rural household” (mean score of 8.62);

2018-2019: Master studies- Msc in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Study module: Food Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, “Justification of the application of pretreatment in the biogas production process” (mean score of 9.52);

2019- : PhD degree PhD, Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade;

  • Dates of appointments (researcher and scientific titles, i.e., equivalent titles in higher education) 2019 – 2022: Junior Research Assistant; 2022 – : Research Assistant;
  • Employment history: to date: Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS), Belgrade, Laboratory for environmental protection
  • Citation number from SCOPUS: 4 Hirsch index from SCOPUS: h-index: 1; ORCID iD:;
  • Project history: previous and present participation in national and international research grants and other significant projects (project name, funding body, dates and engagement).
  • 2019-2019: “Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production“ –Grant No. TR31003, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; team member from 2019.
  • 2023-2024 “Biochar in circular (bio)economy support – synthesis of material based on lignocellulosic waste with multifunctional purpose – water purification, soil remediation and enrichment” Bilateral cooperation with France, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, team member.
  • Reviewing scientific journals and grants: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, IF = 4.0, Processes, IF=3.5, Hemijska Industrija, IF = 0.9, Journal Of Applied Engineering Science.
  • International scientific collaboration and mobility:

-Collaboration with Erol Pehlivan, Prof. PhD. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Selcuk University,Campus, 42079, Konya, Turkey), where the following paper is published as the result: Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Pehlivan, E, Adamovic, V., Šoštarić, T., Milojković, J., Milivojeivć, M.:Thermochemical conversion of non-edible fruit waste for dye removal from wastewater. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023), IF (2022)=4.0;

-Collaboration with the Ioannis Anastopoulos, Prof. PhD. (Assistant Professor in Soil Science, Department of Agriculture, University of Ioannina) where the following papers are published as the result: Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Milojković, J., Anastopoulos, I., Ranđelović, D., Adamović, V., Šoštarić, T.: Peach stone biochar as efficient adsorbent for Cd(II) removal from aqueous phase, 7th International Congress “Engineering, Environment and Materials in Process Industry“, 17-19th March 2021, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings, pp. 276-283. ISBN: 978-99955-81-40-4.

– Collaboration with Domenico Morabito, Associate Professor, (Universityof Orleans, Rue de Chartres, BP 6759,45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France), where the following papers are published as the result: Lopičić, Z., Morabito, D., Šoštarić, T., Milojković, J., Antanasković, A., Chafik, Y., Bourgerie, S.: The application of biochar onto soils-benefit for overall environment, 9th International Conference ,,Mining and environmental protection’’, 24-27th May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia, Proceedings, pp. 295-302. ISBN: 978-86-7352-389-7.

  • Skills and other facts relevant to the Project: Responsible, motivated with good analytical and communication skills;

Senior Research Associate


Senior Research Associate

Research field and area/areas: The impact of fiber on health promotion and reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases; Food chemistry and dietary products; Dietary intervention in reducing the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome; Food safety/food contact materials.


2014: Ph. D. – Department of Bromatology at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade

2004: Specialist studies of Sanitary Chemistry – Department of Bromatology at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade

1998: MSc. Ss. Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia

Dates of appointments 2016-2021 Research Associate; 2021- to date Senior Research Associate

Employment history: 2019 to date: Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut”, Center for Hygiene and Human Ecology, Belgrade

Total number of papers 28, Citation number (excluding self-citations) SCOPUS: 398 Hirsch index: 10


List of publications relevant to project

  • Zlatanović, S., Ostojić, S., Micić, D., Rankov, S., Dodevska, M., Vukosavljević, P., Gorjanović, S. Thermal behavior and degradation kinetics of apple pomace flours. Thermochimica Acta 2019, 673,17-25. IF (2019): 2,762
  • Mitrevski, J., Pantelić, N., Dodevska, M., Kojić, J., Vulić, J., Zlatanović, S., Gorjanović, S., Laličić-Petronijević, J., Marjanović, S., & Antić, V. Effect of Beetroot Powder Incorporation on Functional Properties and Shelf Life of Biscuits. Foods, 2023; 12(2), 322. IF (2022): 5,2
  • Dodevska, M.S.; Sobajic, S.S.; Dragicevic, V.D.; Stankovic, I.; Ivanovic, N.D.; Djordjevic, B.I. The Impact of Diet and Fibre Fractions on Plasma Adipocytokine Levels in Prediabetic Adults. Nutrients. 2021; 13, 487. IF (2021): 6,706.
  • Dodevska MS, Djordjevic BI, Sobajic SS, Miletic ID, Djordjevic PB, Dimitrijevic-Sreckovic VS Characterisation of dietary fibre components in cereals and legumes used in Serbian diet. Food Chemistry (2013) 141(3):1624-9. IF (2013): 3,259. 
  • Margarita S. Dodevska, Sladjana S. Sobajic, Predrag B. Djordjevic, Vesna S. Dimitrijevic‑Sreckovic, Vesna V. Spasojevic‑Kalimanovska, Brizita I. Djordjevic. Effects of total fibre or resistant starch‑rich diets within lifestyle intervention in obese prediabetic adults. European Journal of Nutrition (2016), 55:127-137. IF (2016): 4,370.

List of relevant previous projects or activities

Projects financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

  • PRIZMA 2023-2026 From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Projects financed by EU

  • 2012-2017 FP7-HEALTH-2011 ePREDICE Project: Early Prevention of Diabetes Complications in people with Hyperglycaemia in Europe; Grand agreemant: 279074
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